Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (2024)

in Guides

Some of these items are really wacky!


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (2)

Item Asylum is a free experience available on Roblox. It is a fighting game that is heavily inspired by different memes. You will find these memes in the form of items that you can use in battles. There are over 100+ unique items in the game and you will easily be able to recognize the memes behind some of them. This guide will take you over different Miscellaneous items available in the game and how to take advantage of them during a fight. Keep reading to get more information.

Table of Contents:

  • Offense Based Items
    • Heart-to-Heart
    • Dunk
    • A Singular Punch
    • Harmonic Blade
    • Shadow Clones
    • Abyssal Scream
    • Presidential Key
    • Judgement
    • Borrow
    • Brass Monkey
    • Star Platinum
    • The World
    • Shadow of the World
    • Emperor
  • Counter Attack Items
    • Honk
    • Scales of Horror
    • Tiger Drop
    • Icecream Treat
    • Maxwell the carryable Cat
  • Defense Based Items
    • Speed
    • Doorbell
    • Infinite Welfare
    • Deployable Joel
  • Movement Based Items
    • Stick Horse
    • Runners Glove
    • Jackson
    • Pegasus Boots
    • Cloud in a Bottle
    • Parasol
    • Ashura Senku
    • Uppercut
    • Super Jump Punch
  • Support Items
    • Choccy Milk
    • Pact

Complete Miscellaneous Guide

The Miscellaneous items themselves are not indented to be used alone on their own. The best way to use them is by combining them with your main weapon. They actually act more as support and can oftentimes give the upper hand in a fight.

There are a lot of Miscellaneous items in the game (120+). So I will not go over every single one of them but I will cover the main common ones which should give you an idea of how to think of the other Miscellaneous items as well.

Note: For ease, I will divide the items into categories but that does not mean they can only be used in that way. For example, an item placed under the Defense category can also be used for offense if you wanted to.

Offense Based Items

These Miscellaneous items are mostly designed for offense and in most cases when paired your weapon can get you an instant kill.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (3)
  • This item allows you to steal your opponent’s heart with a quick left hand jab within a 7 stud radius. The opponent is stunned for a brief moment and then receives 85 damage. It will also ragdoll your opponent and send them back a short distance.
  • No one can tell if you have actually equipped this item as it does not appear in your hand.
  • This item has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
  • Since it does 85 damage, if you attack your opponent with a melee weapon and then immediately use Heart-to-heart on them, you have yourself an instant kill. And not to mention you will look epic in doing so.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (4)
  • Equipping this item will give you a Spalding branded basketball. You need to jump and then use the item, it will launch you high in the air from where you can slam down on your opponent to cause damage between 40 – 150.
  • It will also ragdoll opponents caught in the slam for 2 seconds. This is enough time for you to finish your opponents with your weapon.
  • This item has a cooldown of 6 seconds.
  • You need to make sure you have enough distance between you and your opponent to be able to hit them with the slam. If you are too close you will miss your opponent. Using this item a few times will enable you to tell what distance you need.
  • I suggest you practice this item a few times on a Combat Dummy.

A Singular Punch

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (5)
  • Using this item will give you a cape and red gloves. Once used, you will charge up for a second and then throw a powerful punch in the forward direction. The force of the punch will lunge you forward 81 studs.
  • This item is not visible to other players when equipped until you actually use it. This item has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
  • Any opponent that you hit with A Singular Punch will receive 64 damage and will be knocked back quite a huge distance.
  • This item can be very useful in throwing your opponents off the map. Unless your opponent is really familiar with this item’s 1 second charge up animation, they won’t be able to dodge it.

Harmonic Blade

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (6)
  • Using this item will give you a golden glowing sword. Afterwards you will raise the sword and smash it into the ground causing 65 damage to anyone caught in the shockwave. They will also ragdoll and knock them back. Your speed will also be increased by 8 when you are using this item.
  • Once the item has been used, you will receive a temporary speed penalty of 10 and you will not be able to jump for a while.
  • This item has a cooldown of 7 seconds.
  • When your opponent is trying to push you, then you can use this item to put the pressure on them. It is very effective in a close range fight.

Shadow Clones

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (7)
  • Using this item will create two clones of you (one to your left and one to your right). They will target the opponent that is closest to you and start chasing after them.
  • Both of the clones have only 1 HP and their punches deal 5 damage and also apply a Hitstun (reducing opponents’ walk speed by 37.5% and stopping them from using an item for a while). Your clones will vanish after 5 seconds.
  • This item has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
  • Your opponent is pretty much defenseless after they are affected by Hitstun so you can easily finish them off.

Abyssal Scream

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (8)
  • Using this item will make you charge for a brief moment and then release a scream which inflicts 2 stacks of Curse (total 40% more damage taken from all attacks) on anyone within a 20 stud radius (including yourself).
  • When you are in the animation of using the item, your walk speed will be decreased by 12.
  • This item has a cooldown of 15 seconds.
  • It is best to use this behind some cover because if your opponents sees you using this item, they will use this opportunity to attack you and you will be left defenseless.
  • You will also get Cursed so it is better that you use this item with a ranged weapon.

Presidential Key

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (9)
  • Using this item will teleport you and anyone within a 25 stud radius to a remote room (outside of the match area). You will spawn in one of the 4 spawn locations inside the room. You can do whatever you want inside the room and it lasts for 10 seconds.
  • This item has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
  • You can trap your opponents in the room and then launch an attack on them with a melee weapon. They will not be able to escape. However, ranged weapons are not recommended as the room is not that big.
  • This item can also be used defensively. If you are under attack, you can use this item to escape from the attack area for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, you will spawn back where you initially used this item. You can hope that your attacker will be gone by then.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (10)
  • Using this item will give you a scale and reduce your walk speed by 10. It takes 4 seconds for the animation of this item to finish. When the animation is finished, players within a 59 stud radius will receive damage based on their total kills (plus 60 additional damage if they are unholy).
  • The damage is based on this formula: Total damage = (total kills x 10.5) + (60 if unholy).
  • This item is pretty deadly against players that are on top of the leaderboard. It can literally turn the scales of the match.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (11)
  • This item allows you to steal your opponent’s item (equipped one). You have to get close to them and then swipe to get their item.
  • This item is visible to your opponent and they can tell that you intend to steal their item. Which means they can bait you in and then give you a useless item instead when you actually try to swipe them. So it is better to conceal this item until the very last moment you are about to use it.
  • To defend against someone using Borrow, pull out your important item and when they get close enough, change to something else that you do not mind giving away (such as Brass Monkey).

Brass Monkey

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (12)
  • There are a lot of joke items such as the Brass Monkey that do not do much. However these items can have collisions so you can actually use them as shields against attacks.

Star Platinum

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (13)
  • This is a Stand item. Star Platinum has two main moves, Star Finger and Barrage.
  • Star Finger deals 56 damage if your opponent is hit and sends them into ragdoll. This has better range than normal attacks.
  • Barrage will unleash a series of punches on your opponent with each punch dealing 1 damage and anyone caught in it will be stunned. The final punch of the Barrage will deal 47 damage. If all the punches of the Barrage land, it will deal a total of 107 damage.
  • If you are under attack from multiple opponents, you can use Star Platinum to keep that at bay.

The World

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (14)
  • This is a Stand item as well. The World also has two main moves, Beheading Sign and Barrage.
  • Beheading Sign is a forward slash attack that deals 94 damage. It also ragdolls your opponent and knocks them back a fairly long distance.
  • Barrage unleashes a series of attacks that stuns and slow downs your opponent if he gets caught in the attack. Each attack does 1.25 damage and the final kick does 43.75 damage. If all the attacks of the Barrage land, it will deal a total of 110 damage.
  • You can just hit your opponent with a single normal attack and then instantly use the Beheading Sign to finish them off.

Shadow of the World

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (15)
  • This is also a Stand item and has two main moves, Knives and Stand Barrage.
  • Knives let you throw 8 golden knives in a straight direction. Each knife does 5 damage. If you get all the knives to hit, you will deal a total of 40 damage.
  • Stand Barrage will throw 3 forward punches with each punch dealing 8 damage and also stunning your opponent.
  • Shadow of the World is not that great in dealing damage and getting all the knives to land is pretty hard. This is best used for crowd control.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (16)
  • This is also a Stand item and has two main moves, Fast Shot and Explosive Shot.
  • The main problem with this Stand is that its bullets travel way too slow and are easy to dodge. Even if they land, they are not enough to finish off your opponent.
  • If you are really good with ranged weapons in the game then you can use this Stand in a combination with your main weapon.

Counter Attack Items

Following are a couple of Miscellaneous items which you can use to launch a counterattack against your opponents and make them regret attacking you.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (17)
  • This item is not visible in your hand and will seat you in a transparent vehicle when used. After 2 seconds of using the item, you will lose control over its steering and it will drive straight forward until it hits something.
  • This item has a cooldown of 7 seconds.
  • If you are getting attacked by your opponent, use this item and ram straight into them. It will ragdoll them and deal 40 damage and will also protect you from incoming damage while you are inside the car.
  • However if your opponent counters with Honk as well and both of you collide, then you and your opponent will receive immense damage and both of you will get instantly killed.

Scales of Horror

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (18)
  • Once you use this item, you will go into a book reading animation. When you get attacked by an opponent during this animation, you will instantly teleport behind them giving you a chance to launch a counter attack on them.
  • However you can not move when you are using this item.
  • This item has a cooldown of 5 seconds (1 second if you have Shadow of the World in your inventory).

Tiger Drop

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (19)
  • This is a very powerful counter attack item, using it will make your character emit a red aura. It lasts for 1 second.
  • If you get hit by an attack when you are emitting this red aura, you will instantly punch your opponent and deal 65 damage. It will also ragdoll and send your opponent flying back a moderate distance.
  • You can also use this item to bait your opponent and let them hit you on purpose while you activate Tiger Drop at the last moment before getting hit.
  • This item has a cooldown of 5 seconds.

Icecream Treat

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (20)
  • Using this item will give you an ice cream cone. During the period (3 seconds) you are holding out the ice cream cone, any attacks that hit you will not damage you. Instead you will deal 45 damage to your opponent and inflict Curse and Burn on them as well.
  • You can also throw this ice cream cone and whoever gets hit will receive 500 damage.
  • This item has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Maxwell the carryable Cat

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (21)
  • Equipping this item will let you pet Maxwell. You can pet Maxell every 5 seconds and once you do, for 0.5 seconds, anyone close to you will receive 122.5 damage and be launched into the air.
  • On each hit, you and your opponent will get a full screen image displayed on their screens effectively blinding them.
  • Equipping Maxwell has a cooldown of 2 seconds.

Defense Based Items

These are some Miscellaneous items that you can use to defend yourself when getting attacked by your opponent.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (22)
  • Using this item will let you hijack your opponent’s screen with annoying pop ups that randomly appear on their screen.
  • They can close these pop ups by clicking X but if they do not close it fast enough, they will start receiving 2.5 damage each second per pop up.
  • As they are busy closing pop ups, you can use this time to escape or launch an attack against them.
  • This item has a cooldown of 10 seconds.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (23)
  • This is an item that you place on the ground and it will randomly (between 1 to 5 seconds) explode causing 80 damage.
  • If an opponent is chasing you and won’t let you get away, you can use this item to make them back off. If they get caught in the explosion, you can easily finish them off.
  • This item has a cooldown of 13 seconds.

Infinite Welfare

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (24)
  • This item will let you drop a Tix Bag on the ground which will explode after 2.5 seconds causing 35 damage to anyone caught in the blast. It will ragdoll and knock them back.
  • Similar to Doorbell, you can also use this to defend yourself against an attacker. The explosion will not deal a lot of damage but it will ragdoll them so you can escape or press an attack against them.

Deployable Joel

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (25)
  • Using this item will spawn an NPC called 123jl123 which will walk straight in the direction you were facing when you used this item.
  • After about 2 seconds, the NPC will explode and cause 85 damage to anyone caught in the blast which will ragdoll and knock them back.
  • Useful against opponents trying to chase you, they will try to avoid the NPC which will give you a window to catch them off guard.

Movement Based Items

These Miscellaneous items will provide you with great movement speeds and agility.

Stick Horse

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (26)
  • Using this item will give you a wooden stick horse which will let you move at a walk speed of about 80. You can only change directions by rotating the camera.
  • Equipping the Stick Horse back has a 1 second cooldown after you un-equip it.
  • Best used with shift lock.

Runners Glove

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (27)
  • Using this item will gradually increase your movement speed up to a maximum walk speed of 16.
  • This item also allows you to traverse around the map with much ease such as being able to grab edges and vaulting over them, doing wall jumps, etc.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (28)
  • Once you use this item, you will get a Fedora hat and you will also receive a random amount of Max HP (from 1 to 10).
  • When this item is equipped, your left mouse click will let you moonwalk in the opposite direction you are moving. The moonwalk has a walk speed of 22.

Pegasus Boots

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (29)
  • Using this item will give you a pair of red shoes with small wings. The shoes will remain on your body until you un-equip this item.
  • Once you activate this item, you will charge up for a brief moment and then dash in the direction you are facing. You will keep on sprinting in that direction until you cancel it yourself.
  • You can not change your direction after sprinting and anyone hit by you will receive 37.5 damage and will also get knocked back. If you want to cancel your sprint, then un-equip the item.
  • It has a cooldown of 7 seconds.

Cloud in a Bottle

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (30)
  • Using this item will give you the ability to jump again during mid air. It will last until you are killed.
  • The jumps themselves have a cooldown of 2.5 seconds.
  • It is best to use this item at the start of the match so you can take advantage of it as quickly as possible.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (31)
  • This item acts as a parachute and lets you fall down slowly.
  • It is best used to glide down on your opponent from the top and catch them off guard.

Ashura Senku

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (32)
  • This item lets you dash in the forward or backward direction (depending on where you are moving).
  • During the dash, you are invincible and can not receive damage.
  • It can be very useful in dodging your opponents attacks (even AOE ones).
  • This item has a cooldown of 3 seconds.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (33)
  • This looks like an offensive item but you can actually use it to get to points in the map which are not normally accessible.
  • Using this item will move you 16 Studs upwards and 6 Studs in the forward direction.
  • It has a 3 seconds cooldown.

Super Jump Punch

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (34)
  • This item will send you in the air even higher than Uppercut.
  • You can use it to get to a vantage point and then snipe down on your opponents. Intervention can be very effective in that situation.

Support Items

The following Miscellaneous items will provide you with support or heal you. There are a lot of such items but I will mention two of the common ones.

Choccy Milk

Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (35)
  • Equipping this item will give you a cup with chocolate milk. Each time you sip it, your HP will be healed by 25 and your Max HP will also get increased by 15. You can sip it only 3 times.
  • It is more useful to use this item completely at the beginning of the match to increase your Max HP by 45. This will give you an advantage over other players with only 100 HP.


Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (36)
  • This item allows you to create a Pact with any player you want (either enemy or friend).
  • Once you create a pact, your Max HP will get doubled. The player you created a pact with will also get their Max HP increased by the amount your Max HP got increased (if your Max HP got increased by 200, the other player will also receive +200 Max HP).
  • Both of you will also get an attack boost of 0.5x.
  • Any damage that a player in the Pact receives will also be dealt to the other player in the pact. If a single player in the Pact dies, the other player will also be instantly killed.
  • It is best to form a Pact with a player who you know is a good player and can play well. If you form a Pact with a bad player, they will only drag you down.

This completes this comprehensive Misc. Item guide, I hope you found it helpful. Do you know about the Roblox game called Ohio? After the update, there is an easy way to make money fast in the game. If interested, check this guide: Roblox Ohio: How To Be Rich + Tips To Make Money.

Item AsylumRoblox

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Item Asylum: Complete Miscellaneous Guide - Item Level Gaming (2024)


What is the best weapon in Item Asylum? ›

The most op VIP item is Instant Death. It also ignores Franklin Badges. Its trench shotgun in guns. Its singular punch in melee.

How to become invincible in Item Asylum? ›

When energy drink is used, the user will start take 3 sips from the bottle, causing a bright-blue glowing aura to appear around them. While in this state, they are completely invincible to all damage, though they'll still take effects from status effects.

What does zs mean in item asylum? ›

Zombie Survival, otherwise known by the acronym ZS, is a game mode within item asylum.

What does ultra instinct do in Item Asylum? ›

Activating ultra instinct instantly changes the player's clothes to a black Supreme shirt and a black jacket with the words "By Any Means Necessary" in repeating print and plays the first 8 notes of the Ultra Instinct theme from Dragon Ball Super.

What is the rarest weapon in Item Asylum? ›

garcia's shotgun is an item in item asylum. It is a special item granted by the cross pendant. It is a Mossberg 590 shotgun with wooden furniture. It is currently the rarest item obtained from the cross pendant as it only has a 10% chance of being obtained.

What's the biggest map in Item Asylum? ›

baseplate2021 is the largest map in item asylum, being 2048 studs in both length and width.

What does mu mean in item asylum? ›

Murder, otherwise known by the acronym MU, is a game mode in item asylum. Players must work together and solve the mystery of a murderer amongst them.

What item makes you fast in Item Asylum? ›

train is a miscellaneous item in item asylum. It allows the user to sprint at an incredibly high speed.

What does Mark's pistol do in Item Asylum? ›

mark's pistol was a VIP-exclusive item in item asylum. It is a black Desert Eagle gun. While mark's pistol is held, the user's hands will tremble. Activating mark's pistol causes it to shoot at the target location with a short cooldown between each shot.

What does Mori do in item asylum? ›

Functionality. When cast, the user will perform a casting animation before firing a projectile to the designated location. The projectile travels at roughly 150 studs per second and will explode in a dark purple burst upon colliding with a surface or entity.

What does true love do in Item Asylum? ›

true love. If true love remains in the user's inventory upon their death, it is used automatically, reviving the player and enacting all of its normal effects. true love may not be obtained more than one time in a single life.

What does Franklin badge do in Item Asylum? ›

The franklin badge has a special property, being that it can reflect any incoming electric attacks, sending them back towards wherever they came from. The following items will be reflected: energy sword. jailbird.

What is the big bomb in Item Asylum? ›

tsar bobm is a VIP/KIT exclusive item in item asylum. It is a much larger, bronze-colored version of bobm. Upon use, the user performs a high front flip before slamming tsar bobm onto the ground, creating an explosion 50 studs in radius that deals 2500 damage and powerful knockback and ragdoll...

What does Armis do in Item Asylum? ›

Snap Armis [E]

The user will snap their fingers, conjuring a burst in a small radius around them. This burst ragdolls and launches away anyone in range much like the regular spell.

What does King tusks do in item asylum? ›

Functionality. Having king tusks in the player's inventory will automatically cause two tusk-like harpoons to appear on the wielder's cheeks, both with laser sights that stop upon hitting a solid object. When fired, they remain attached to their user by a cable attached to their cheek.

What does Velo do in Item Asylum? ›

velo (Latin: "veil") is one of the possible spells that can be obtained from the scroll. Upon use, the user performs a casting animation and summons a pale blue glowing orb above their left shoulder. The orb illuminates the area around the user in a pale blue light.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.