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An important month lies ahead in September 2023, but will still be moving forward at a slower pace. In recent months, we’ve crossed paths with people from the past or found that situations returned for closure or a new beginning. In September 2023, we will be figuring out if the decisions we made were meant to stick and last or if we were just looking at life through rose-colored glasses. There will also be a major focus on partnerships and relationships this month, which can allow us to see happy growth—or may instead be making us face tension that is bubbling up from beneath the radar. Luckily, this month should be a rather enjoyable one as we have opportunities to be productive, but to also to live and enjoy life in the moment.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you!

Mighty Jupiter, our Great Benefic, dances into the flower fields of Taurus from May 16, 2023 until May 25, 2024. Because Jupiter brings growth, expansion, luck, and miracles, he will sparkle over all that Taurus rules: wealth, resources, real estate, possessions, pleasure, sensuality, hedonism, and art. All zodiac signs will finally feel as if we are heading toward better years once again, as living in the moment and going our own pace will feel more enjoyable now. We may feel more practical, realistic, and pragmatic about building our lives, ambitions, and relationships. Being forthright, caring, and reliable will also be more pronounced within people’s natures. This is a time when we want to stop and smell the roses, indulge in great food, intimacy, or romance, and appreciate the good life. Artistic talents will be amplified, as we seek beauty in all ways. We will hunger for indulgence and luxury. All markets that Taurus rules will flourish: banking, finance, real estate, cuisine and fine dining, tactical art, beauty industries, design industries, luxury industries, and fashion. On one hand, this will help us to truly feel more aligned and connected to the beauty of life, but for those that get too lost in hedonism, they may find that they indulge too much and sink into a slothful, lazy routine more focused on passion and desire than getting things done. The best thing about Jupiter in Taurus energy is that it can also provide us the quiet optimism we need to preserve patiently to build toward our greatest hopes and dreams personally or professionally. Jupiter will begin his retrograde phase on September 4, 2023 until December 30, 2023. This will cause the energies of Jupiter to turn within, as we make space within ourselves for his blessings to manifest in 2024. In many ways, we will be focusing on growing self-worth, understanding value, and how we can create more wealth and abundance on all levels in our lives.

Prepare for a major turning point to begin on March 7, 2023. Saturn, the mighty planet of karma and life lessons, will soar into the reefs of Pisces until May 24, 2025 and again from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026. Important learning curves and karmic transitions will take place in regards to all areas that Pisces rules: spirituality, creativity, psychology, mental health, prescriptions, prisons, the unconscious, and healing. Important information about fear, anxiety, and addictions will emerge in the period to come. Karma will come before us and we will find it is time to heal it and let it go. This will be a tremendous period for releasing anything that is holding us back from ascending to our highest good. False prophets, gurus, and secret societies will fall, as well as a streamlining of mainstream spirituality and religion. There will likely be a major overhaul in regards to the medical, psychological, and prison systems. Secrets hidden and disguised in the past thirty years could be aired out in our lives and on a global scale, too. There will be a great focus on how we rest, “escape reality,” and live in illusions or delusions. The key will be to face the truth rather than running away. Those who do so may suffer great losses and further build toxic karma that will need to be resolved in the future or in lives to come.


Pluto, planet of death, rebirth, powerful people, large masses of people, returns to Capricorn, where it has been residing since 2008 and will continue to do so until 2024. It takes Pluto 244 years to go around the Sun. Whenever Pluto resides in a constellation, whatever that zodiac sign rules goes through a breakdown phase to make room for new growth. This is very much a “phoenix effect,” whereby what isn’t working is burnt down so that new life can emerge in that place. Structures that no longer serve us are dismantled. In a sense, the Universe is creating a “course correction” in the destiny of humanity. If we understand the process and surrender to it, we can reach empowerment and enlightenment. However, if we resist and hold onto the past, our lives will be filled with tragedy and pain during these times. Everything that Capricorn rules has been going through a period of change: our governments, political structures, those in power, big business, and global economies. This will continue for years to come.

Our beloved planet of pleasure and beauty, Venus, becomes ignited within the zodiac sign of Leo from June 5, 2023 until October 8, 2023. Fee the surge of adrenaline! We will be bolder in pursuing our heart’s desires and plans. In Leo, our radiant goddess planet will inspire us to create the love story of our dreams and express our affection through grand gestures. Now is one of the best times of the year for singles to connect with new options as Venus feels especially fired up right now. She will spend a great deal of time in Leo because she will turn retrograde from July 22, 2023 until September 3, 2023, causing a major return of the past. To read about Venus Retrograde, do so here. However, Venus Retrograde will cause us to review all of these areas that Leo rules—passion, romance, dating, creativity, fertility, expression, and children—especially regarding how we’ve approached them in the past eight years. Exes, old friends, and soulmate connections often return to us during Venus Retrograde, so if there’s anyone special that you’d like peace, closure, or a reunion with—the time could soon be at hand. Pay attention to how people or situations from the past begin to creep in when Venus enters pre-shadow after June 19, 2023. Venus will leave post-shadow on October 7, 2023. We will likely be dealing with the situations that arise now until that point in time!

At the onset of the month, the sacred Sun dances in the gardens of Virgo until September 22. We will be deeply interested in creating a work-life balance that validates and fulfills us. Now will be a time when the human collective is especially focused on global health and a great deal of progress can be made to improve it. A new moon in Virgo (21 degrees) arrives on September 14, 2023! The energy of this elemental Earth sign will be quite prominent in our lives at this time. Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign on the wheel and aligns with our daily routines, responsibilities and employment. It rules our work-related projects, as well as coworkers, staff and people that report to us. Physical fitness, diet and health are also under this domain. Pets, too, can be spot lit at this time. On a positive note, this is one of the best new moons of 2023, setting up opportunities for happiness, surprises, success, and power. (Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto are perfectly aligned with the new moon!) You will be able to launch plans that can grow for six months or longer. However, stay grounded and watch your health because Neptune is causing friction and weakness. Mercury, the planetary ruler of this lunation, will also be at odds with Saturn, which can bring deflated moods, low energy, and sorrow—or help us to focus on getting work done in solitude and analyzing all of the details.


Mercury will move into Virgo from July 28, 2023 until October 4, 2023, where it will feel quite at home. For the coming weeks, we will buckle down to truly assess our lives and make sure we have the information we need to make all of our most important decisions. We want to be concise, precise, and efficient in all that we say and do. However, Mercury will enter his pre-shadow phase on August 3, 2023, so watch for everything that seems to slow down, start to spin off the tracks, and bring up a sense of confusion until the official retrograde begins on August 23, 2023 until September 15, 2023. Finally, once he is direct, we will be untangling ourselves from what happened and what we learned until he leaves post-shadow on September 30, 2023.

Fiery Mars energizes the zodiac sign of Libra until October 12, 2023. During this period, relationship matters will become especially important to us—whether they be romantic, business, or collaborative. Flying solo won’t interest us quite as much at this time. Instead, we are more likely to do what it takes to work together. This can lead us to take a more indirect approach to getting what we want or even engage in passive-aggression if we are feeling frustrated in our unions. We are inclined to use our passion and charm as a means to an end during this cycle, yet could find ourselves as more indecisive and uncertain to rock the boat. We will be less likely to resort to force when taking action, but could engage in mental battles or do what it takes to make our opposition uncomfortable—with flair of style, grace, and innocence. No matter where you stand in your relationships, now is the time to align yourself with the right mirror and work toward your goals as a team.

As of September 14, 2023, we are officially entering eclipse season. Eclipse season officially begins one month prior to the first eclipse and lasts for one month after the final one. This is a time when there will be more synchronicities, as we will feel a more electrical energy running through the cosmos. We may feel a bit more “on edge,” as we sense something major is just around the corner. Because of this, we will begin to notice major beginning, endings, turning points, culminations, and shifts of fate. Pay attention to your intuition to see what it is picking up.

To end the month, the Sun will move on into the partnership-focused zodiac sign of Libra on September 22. Libra Season will last for the entire month ahead and during this time, we will turn our attention to how we are cooperating with the people around us—or if we need to reassess and renegotiate where we stand. Come from a place of serenity and harmony in your relationships, rather than co-dependency. Consider your boundaries, wants, and needs in your partnerships so that you can either find them with the right match or clearly articulate them to the person at your side.


A full moon in Aries (6 degrees) arrives on September 28, 2023! On a collective level, we will feel fired up, hungry to express our desires, and eager to pursue what our ego wants at the expense of others. Situations that began after the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19 could be reaching culmination now. This is a profound moment to stand in your power and show the world who you are and what you deserve. This is also a particularly delightful full moon with Mars, the ruler of this lunation, linking perfectly with Venus, bringing passion, desire, and romance—but could bring some intense experiences or power struggles due to it clashing with Pluto. Luckily, Mercury is chatting sweetly with Jupiter, bringing luck and happy moods, and Uranus, bringing surprises. Just do your best to stay grounded, otherwise Neptune’s illness or illusions could sneak up on you.

Important dates to remember in September 2023 for love are the 4, 8, 15, 25, 29, and 30. Significant moments to plan for success are the 4, 6, 8, 20, and 25. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 14, 15, 16, 19, and 29. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


Welcome to September, Aries. The month ahead has generally positive cosmic weather and may bring many opportunities for happiness. While Venus, the planet of love, will be retrograde until the 3rd and Mercury, the planet of the mind, will bring confusion around work, health, and your routines until the 15th, you may feel the need to rest and recharge more than usual. This is particularly noticeable at the onset of the month, as a full moon in your sector of privacy appeared at the end of August and will echo out into the beginning of this month. Spend time giving yourself some TLC and enjoying the slower pace because the months ahead will bring many things to tackle. Luckily, you can begin to find more clarity around matters of the heart, romance, and money as the month goes on. If for some reason you have recently connected with an ex, old flame, old friend, or someone from your past, this is a positive month to make sure you’re not seeing through rose-colored glasses and assess if you’re really on the same page with this reunion or if it isn’t actually aligned. Your planetary ruler, Mars, will also be in your partnership sector all month, encouraging you to work in tandem with another personally or professionally. If you’d like to put yourself out there to find the ideal partner, whether that is a significant lover, agent, manager, accountant, or assistant, the month ahead will aid you if you seek to proceed assertively. On a professional level, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will begin a retrograde phase from September 4 until the very end of the year, so you may notice that your “lucky touch” around money is a little softer now. The new moon on September 14 could kick start things in your work life, though, whether in the form of a new job, new projects on your desk, or the opportunity to take on more clients. Another way this may shift your path is around physical health, so if you’d like to improve it, such as in the form of a new diet or fitness, now is a great time to do so. Last to note in September will be the arrival of a full moon in your zodiac sign that appears on the 28th. This will put you in the spotlight for the week that surrounds it and encourage you to show the world your power. In a sense, you’re reviewing how far you’ve come in the past six months and if you’re on the right path. An ending, turning point, or opportunity to seize a big goal could now be in grasp. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


With so many fresh starts and new beginnings happening in your life, you’re wondering what else the universe has in store for you, Taurus. September, though, will be a much slower month for many different reasons. First, Uranus, the planet of rebellion and change, has been asleep in your zodiac sign, and Jupiter, the planet of luck, will begin a retrograde phase on September 4. This reveals that all of the major changes and growth you’ve begun since May might slow down a bit, as you turn within to see what truly makes you happy and what you need at the deepest of levels. You may feel that you’re focused more on internal growth until the end of the year, so that as soon as 2024 arrives, you’re ready to explode out of the gate with even more progress and development. Your planetary ruler, Venus, is also in a sleepy phase officially until September 3, causing you to be quite reflective and emotionally introspective. She will be sluggish until nearly mid-October. Mercury, the planet of the mind, is also retrograde until September 14, making matters slow down even more! In all honesty, this month may be a good one to just go with the flow, listen to your heart, and watch which situations from the past return to face you. Just don’t make any hasty decisions around love, creativity, your domestic life, or beyond! At the onset of the month, you’ll still be feeling the full moon in your fulfillment zone, likely surrounding you by many friends and supporters still at the beginning of September. This could be a great time to expand your network or try your hand at online dating. Mid-month, a new moon in your passion sector arrives on September 14, which could open a door in your romantic life or around creativity, expression, or fertility. Another factor to mention is that mighty Mars, the planet of energy, will likely encourage you to get productive in work, routines, or responsibilities, but you may instead feel like you’re pushing a cart uphill to do so. This may be a great time to instead focus on your physical health, such as a new diet or fitness routine. Last to note will be a full moon in your sector of rest, which arrives near September 28. This will likely encourage you to lie low, rest, and recharge. Listen to your intuition near this time. A secret may pop up out of nowhere, whether one of yours or from someone else. Instead, you may be working on an important project behind-the-scenes or attending to your mental health. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


You’ll have many things to attend to in September, Gemini. While this month will also carry a slower vibe, as a carryover from August, you’ll likely have an opportunity to rest and recharge. Venus, the planet of pleasure, is retrograde until the 3rd, while your planetary ruler, Mercury, will be in a sluggish pace all month—but especially until the 14th. You are likely wanting to travel near this time, but may be attending to situations regarding your home, family, real estate, or domestic life. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will turn retrograde beginning the 4th, further empowering you to take a step back and review your past and intuitive hunches. At the onset of the month, you’ll still feel the mighty energy of a full moon in your career sector, likely bringing a culmination, turning point, or ending in your professional life. This could be in the form of stepping higher in your industry and taking on more responsibility or leaving one job to pursue another. Mid-month, a new moon in your domestic zone arrives on the 14th, encouraging you to make a change such as stepping in for one of your kindred or moving, renovating, or redecorating. Luckily, with Mercury awake the next day, matters should start to proceed if they’ve been confusing or challenging in recent weeks. Another important factor to draw attention to this month will be your personal life, as Mars, the planet of energy, heats up your passion zone all month. This likely will bring a fire to your heart, as you pursue romance, creativity, fertility, hobbies, or expression. This is a fantastic period for singles to line up dates with prospective suitors or for couples to crank up the heat for more sex, adventure, and laughter. Last to mention will be the arrival of a full moon in your fulfillment sector on the 28th. This will fill you with excitement to socialize, expand your network, or connect to communities. If you wish to pursue dating, such as through a matchmaker or dating app, this could go quite well now, too. Some people could meet an incredible new friend. Last, a significant personal or professional milestone may now be within reach, so open yourself up to it! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September will bring a slower pace yet again, Cancer. With Venus, the planet of pleasure and profit, asleep until the 3rd, you are likely still seeing delays around money or resources. Mercury, the planet of the mind and business, will also be groggy all month—particularly until the 15th—creating confusion around communication and related projects, legalities, or even travel. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will also retrograde this month beginning the 4th, causing you to reflect on your major life goals and social life. You may even notice that people from your past—friends, lovers, or old contacts—return in upcoming months, especially if they were soulmate connections. You could also find that you’re returning to old goals you’ve forgotten but find another renewed desire for. At the onset of the month, you’ll still be feeling the energy of the full moon in your expansion zone, which could bring a turning point, culmination, or ending in regards to one of the following themes: academic matters, travel or immigration, legalities, media or publishing projects, or even international business. Mid-month, a new moon in your intellectual zone arrives on the 14th, which could see you moving forward on an advertising, writing, speaking, contractual, or travelling endeavor. Another significant theme this month will be your domestic life, such as handling real estate, moving, renovating, redecorating, or stepping in to aid your family. This is due to Mars firing up this zone. Last to mention will be the arrival of a full moon in your professional zone, which appears in the week surrounding the 28th. This could catapult you to major success or bring a turning point, culmination, or ending in your career or public recognition. This could be in the form of a promotion, award, or new job offer or even the ending of one job that propels you to make a redirection around your ambitions. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


For months, you’ve felt a sluggish pace and that continues fully through September, Leo. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will continue to be retrograde in your zodiac sign until the 3rd. Luckily, after this, she awakens, but she will still be groggy all month. You can begin to inch forward in regards to love, romance, art, or beauty once again. However, Mercury, the planet of the mind, will be confused all month, as well, but especially until the 14th. This will bring many delays and frustrations around your income and resources. At the onset of the month, a full moon will still echo in your sector of union and assets, which may bring a turning point, culmination, or ending in regards to a bonus, settlement, large-money matters, an inheritance, or pay-out. You may instead be addressing where you and a significant other in business or love stand and if your needs are being met. Jupiter, the planet of growth, also retrogrades this month after the 4th, likely bringing a slower pace to career matters and expansion until the arrival of 2024. While this could certainly cause you to take a new approach or redirect you in regards to your ambitions, it won’t necessarily bring any major challenges. Mid-month, a new moon in your financial arena pops up on the 14th, which will bring more clarity and movement around money, income, a raise, or the acquisition of important possessions. If you’d like to raise your rates or find a new job or client, look in the week following this lunation. Another significant factor will be the exciting energy rippling through your intellectual and travel zone. Mighty Mars will sizzle through here, either empowering you to pursue advertising, writing, speaking, or traveling projects. Last to mention will be a full moon in your expansion sector on the 28th, which will propel you to see a turning point, culmination, or ending around one of the following themes: academics, publishing or media projects, international travel, immigration, or business, or important legalities. Prepare to see progress then. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September will likely encourage you to want to hibernate and hide from the world, Virgo. This is particularly true because Venus, the planet of pleasure, will be retrograde until the 3rd and sluggish all month. She will continue to encourage you to be reflective around how you’ve approached romantic matters over the past eight years and if there’s anything that needs to be healed or released. Your planetary ruler, mental Mercury, will also be retrograde in your zodiac sign until the 15th, but in a slower vibe until the end of the month. This will bring great confusion to all areas of your life, particularly in regards to how you’d like to proceed and build toward your personal goals. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will retrograde beginning the 4th until the end of the year, causing you to review any progress you’ve made around expanding your horizons since May. You could have seen growth in regards to academics, legalities, or international business, immigration, or travel. Now is a time to readjust your sails. Luckily, you’ll have the sun granting you energy and strength until the 23rd, with a lovely new moon in your zodiac sign appearing on the 14th. This will open a door to you, allowing you to carve out the kinds of paths and journeys you’d like to build toward and pursue in the year ahead. Your personal life is also important this month, with a full moon echoing out at the onset of September, bringing a turning point, culmination, or ending in a significant partnership. On one hand, this could help you to make long-term plans or promises or instead may bring a rude awakening that it’s time to go your separate ways. The final area of your life to pay attention to this month will be your finances. Mighty Mars is cranking up your expenses and desire to bring in more money all month and a full moon in your sector of assets and investments appears on the 28th. This could bring exciting news around a bonus, settlement, or loan or make you step up to handle a major bill. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September will likely tell you to curl up under the covers and recharge your batteries, Libra. Your planetary ruler, Venus, will be retrograde until the 3rd—but still sluggish all month. You may have recently reconnected with exes, old friends, and contacts or could find that you’re hashing things out with one now. Mercury, the planet of the mind, will also be retrograde until the 15th yet still tired all month, too. He is spinning in your sector of privacy, rest, and solitude and either stirring the pot to bring matters from the past back before you or making your anxiety and mental health topsy-turvy. Jupiter, the planet of growth, also retrogrades beginning on the 4th until the end of the year, which will make big financial matters, assets, and investments slow down. Don’t worry, though, this doesn’t foretell bad news around finances—it’ll just provide you an opportunity to review plans going forward. At the onset of the month, you’ll still feel the energy of a full moon in your productivity zone, which could help you polish off a big project for your employer, take on more responsibility, find a new job, or create a new course of action around your diet or fitness. Mid-month, the new moon on the 14th will once again help you to lie low and recharge, as well focus on making better decisions in your mental health. You’ll feel a great surge of energy in September, too, with Mars firing up your strength, magnetism, and confidence all month. The sun parades into your zodiac sign on the 23rd, further empowering you and invigorating you to embrace your authenticity and birthday season! Last to mention will be the arrival of a full moon in your partnership zone on the 28th, which could bring a turning point, culmination, or turning point around a significant relationship in business or love. This could be in the form of stronger union or a decision to go your separate ways. If single, be on the lookout for someone with LTR-potential. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September is bringing all sorts of twists and turns, Scorpio, but luckily they should be more enjoyable. First off, you’ve been dealing with Venus retrograde in your career sector, but this ends on the 3rd. Finally, matters that may have been delayed or up for review may proceed slowly but surely. However, Mercury will be retrograde in your social sector until the 15th and sluggish all month, so you’ll likely be reconnecting with old friends or addressing matters from the past. Even though Venus retrograde is ending this month, there’s also a big focus on exes, old flames, and past lovers now and perhaps even until the end of the year. This is because of Mercury’s moonwalk, but also because Jupiter, the planet of luck, across the sky from you in your partnership sector begins a retrograde on the 4th. You, out of all the zodiac signs, have a longer period to reconnect or rekindle a union, especially until the onset of 2024. Another way this may affect you is by helping you and your significant other to slow down and readdress plans from the past to pivot in a better direction. The month starts off with a focus on love, passion, creativity, and fertility as the echoing full moon arrives near this time. This could bring a turning point, revelation, or even an ending in regards to one of these themes. Mid-month, a new moon in your social sector arrives on the 14th, encouraging you to connect to others, join communities, and pursue some of your greatest aspirations. Online dating, working with a matchmaker, or expanding your network are particularly important now. Last to note will be the arrival of a full moon in your productivity zone on the 28th, which will likely see you quite busy. You may be very active on projects behind the scenes that are not ready to debut, either personally or professionally, due to Mars and his trek through your privacy zone. The full moon, though, could see you polishing off a big responsibility for your employer. You may acquire a new job or client or even end one at this time, too. Pay special attention to your health and mental health, too, as you will likely need to assess your diet, fitness, or work-life balance. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


September could bring a slower pace, Sagittarius, but still offer plenty of time for fun and excitement! Venus will continue to be retrograde in your expansion zone until the 3rd, which could see you re-evaluating situations around academics, long-distance travel, immigration, international business, legalities, or even media projects. Luckily, things could proceed, but still expect some delays because Mercury is out of orbit all month, but especially in regards to your career and ambitions until the 15th. You could be refining big projects or goals in your professional life or even reconnecting with old bosses and rekindling past plans. If for some reason there are confusion or challenges in your professional life, just know that you need to use this time to pivot and shift direction. Jupiter will station retrograde beginning the 4th until the end of the year, too, which may make work a bit slower until 2024, but this would likely be a welcome blessing, allowing you to rebalance your work and life balance. At the onset of September, your personal life, particularly in relation to domesticity and your family, could be spot lit. Some of you may move, renovate, redecorate, or see a shift around a roommate or real estate matter. Mid-month, your career takes the spotlight again, with a new moon arriving on the 14th. This would be an ideal time to look for a new job, ask to take on new projects, or launch a campaign to rise higher in your industry. Later, a full moon in your passion zone appears on the 28th, which will bring a milestone moment around matters of the heart. This could see news or a turning point around romance and love, or creativity or fertility. If you have children, you could find that one of them needs your attention near this time. Luckily, the month will be excellent for socializing, online dating, or pursuing your greatest desires with Mars amping up your eagerness for fulfillment, magic, and light. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


You’ll juggle all sorts of matters in September, Capricorn, but will likely notice a particularly important focus around money, growth, and career matters. With mighty Mars igniting your professional sector all month, you’re likely hard at work on major projects or reaching toward your ambitions. This is a great time to search for a better job, launch a campaign, or get in front of VIPs. However, you may also notice that there still is a slower pace this month, too, with Venus retrograde until the 3rd but sluggish all month, and Mercury retrograde until the 15th and also groggy all month, too. Venus is drawing attention to large money matters, such as a negotiation for benefits, royalties, assets, investments, or a settlement. Mercury will further cause confusion or delays around anything related to academics, international business or travel, immigration, or media or contractual matters. Don’t stress yourself out: do your best to go with the flow. Mid-month, on the 14th, a new moon will kick start many of these matters back into gear. The onset of the month brings energy around travel and communications though, as a carryover from the full moon that appeared at the end of August. You could be bounding around to nearby towns or destinations. If you’re involved in writing or speaking, this could also see you debuting a milestone project. The last lunation of the month to pay attention to will be a full moon on the 28th, which will spotlight your home, family, real estate, or domestic life. Some of you could be moving, renovating, or redecorating near this time. Others may notice that they need to step in for their kindred or a parent. Last to note, further causing the reflective energy from the 4th onward to the beginning of 2024, will be Jupiter’s retrograde in your sector of passion. On one hand, this could cause you to stop and smell the roses with your children or sweetheart, giving you an opportunity to reflect on where you stand and where you’d like to go. On the other, this could cause dating to slow down a bit, or instead to cause you to reconnect with or find a longing for an ex or old flame. This could allow you to reunite, giving you more opportunity than any other sign to reignite that spark, or instead help you to find healing and move on once and for all. Don’t sit back and wait for them to return, though—take charge of your destiny! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


Even though you’ve experienced a slower pace in August, this just becomes even more noticeable into September, Aquarius. First and foremost, the end of Venus retrograde officially takes place on the 3rd, but she will be sluggish all month, too. She has been dancing backwards in your partnership zone, pushing you to review your relationships, be quite nostalgic, or instead reconnect with partners from your past. If you have done so, you’re encouraged to take a slow and steady approach to knowing if you’re on the same page. Mercury is retrograde in your intimacy, assets, and investments zone until the 15th but also out of whack until the end of the month. You could truly be deciding if you’re on the same page or if you need to shift the balance with a personal or business partner. Another way this could cause delays is around an inheritance, big money and wealth, payouts, or even a loan or settlement. A new moon in this zone appears on the 14th, which should kick start matters back into gear slowly but surely. Money is particularly important to you at the onset of the month, as well, with a full moon echoing over it in your financial zone. This could bring an increase or a hefty expense. A raise, new job offer, or large bill may all be on your radar. If you’d like to find a new way to monetize, use this period then. Contracts and travel may also be on your radar this month, with a full moon spotlighting this near the 28th and Mars heating up your expansion sector all of September, too. On one hand, you could be bounding around, enjoying time off to explore the world, open up your mind, or even pursue international business or immigration. The full moon, instead, may focus you on a writing, speaking, advertising, or branding initiative, which you have been building toward for quite some time. Last to mention will be the beginning of Jupiter’s retrograde phase from the 4th until the onset of 2024, causing you to notice a slower progress or need for revision around plans relating to your home, family, domesticity, or real estate projects. This shouldn’t cause problems, just a need to find a different path forward. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


You’ll feel like the whole universe is telling you to lie back and slow down in September, Pisces. Venus will continue her official retrograde in your productivity and business zone until the 3rd, bringing delays with employment, coworkers, or responsibilities. She will be in a slower pace until mid-October. Mercury, the planet of the mind, will also be retrograde officially until the 15th, but sluggish until the end of the month. He is across the sky from you in your partnership zone, which will cause delays, confusion, or challenges with personal or professional partners. You could be noticing situations or people from the past are popping up once again. Luckily, a new moon in this arena arrives on the 14th, helping to get things slowly but surely back on track. If you’d like to make long-term plans or find a long-term partner, focus on this after the 15th. Those in existing couples may soon move in, get engaged, or even be wed. With Venus and Mercury perking up, this is okay to do so. A major milestone will also likely take your attention at the onset of the month, as a full moon at the end of August will still echo during this time. You could find that a major personal or professional project you’ve been working toward since the beginning of the year has arrived, but with more responsibility, more weight, and requiring you to shoulder it all. Even if it feels heavy, it will likely empower you to reach new levels of maturity and strength in the long run. If for some reason a relationship ends or challenge appears, you’re being redirected to new horizons. You’ll certainly see a big focus on if your needs are being met in relationships, too, with Mars igniting your intimacy, assets, and wealth zone all month. Your expenses could be quite high, or you could be adamantly focusing on building toward a settlement, re-negotiation, or large money matter. Later, a full moon appears on the 28th, which will once again bring money in and out—likely in the form of a raise, lucrative client, or opportunity to monetize. If you’d like to find new income or a new job, you must strike quickly near this time to see what gold is out there. Last to mention will be the arrival of Jupiter retrograde from the 4th until the onset of 2024. This shouldn’t bring any harm to you, but instead cause you to review how you communicate with others, learn more about the world, or even allow you to revisit old destinations you previously loved deeply. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Good Morning America, the TODAY show, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas



What is the zodiac sign for September? ›

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

This is also a moment to refresh your outlook on life. Consider what new things you can learn and what you can discover about yourself during this lunar phase—it's all about personal growth.

Who is the innocent zodiac sign? ›

In conclusion, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, and Taurus are the zodiac signs that are often seen as the most innocent. Whether through their idealism, nurturing nature, honesty, or trusting outlook, these signs embody a purity that makes them stand out in a complex world.

What is my zodiac sign by date of birth and time? ›

SignMeaningAstronomical (solar) zodiac
GeminiThe Twins22nd June to 20th July
CancerThe Crab21st July to 10th August
LeoThe Lion11th August to 16th September
VirgoThe Virgin17th September to 31st October
9 more rows

What is the zodiac sign for January? ›

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19. Aquarius: January 20 – February 18. Pisces: February 19 – March 20.

What is the spirit animal for September? ›

Explore the symbolism of September's spirit animal, the ant. Known for its incredible strength, teamwork, and determination, the ant teaches us about patience, persistence, and the power of collaboration.

What is September Libra sign? ›

For a fuller look at your year, check out our astrologer's 2024 Libra horoscope predictions. Libra (September 23 - October 22) is an air sign represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac), an association that reflects Libra's fixation on balance and harmony.

Which zodiac sign are soulmates? ›

Zodiac Signs and Their Soulmates: Unlocking the Cosmic Connection
Zodiac SignsSoulmate Signs
Gemini SoulmateLibra, Aquarius
Cancer SoulmateScorpio, Pisces
Leo SoulmateAries, Sagittarius
Virgo SoulmateTaurus, Capricorn
8 more rows
Apr 8, 2024

What is the rarest zodiac sign? ›

This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 24 August 2024. ) has sometimes been suggested in sidereal astrology as a 13th astrological sign in addition to the 12 signs of the tropical zodiac.

What is my zodiac sign by month? ›

✨Zodiac chart for 2024
SignSymbol (in emoji form)2024 Dates
VirgoAugust 22 – September 21
LibraSeptember 22 – October 21
ScorpioOctober 22 – November 20
SagittariusNovember 21 – December 20
8 more rows
Jan 21, 2022

Who is Capricorns soulmate? ›

Capricorns are most compatible with Cancer, followed by Pisces and Virgo. Capricorns are also compatible with Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo.

What is a Capricorns love match? ›

In general, Capricorns will find their best match with fellow earth signs (Taurus and Virgo) or water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Thomas tells PEOPLE. “Earth signs share similar traits, such as stamina, practicality, work ethic, a focus on the material world, and loyalty,” he explains.

What is a Capricorn weakness? ›

Like every other zodiac sign, Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Ambitious and hardworking, those born under the sign of the sea goat are destined to go far in life—but what about their flaws? Capricorn's weaknesses include pessimism, greed, and pride.

Is September a Virgo or Libra? ›

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) Libra (September 23 – October 22) Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Is september a Leo? ›

In astrology, Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about July 23 to about August 22.

What is Virgo and Libra? ›

Virgo is an Earth sign, which makes them stable, grounded, and unwavering. Libra is an Air sign, which means they're elusive, free-spirited, and analytical. These two can learn a thing or two from one another, which can be rewarding.

Is a September Virgo an Earth sign? ›

Earth signs are made up of three signs, Taurus (April 20-May 20), Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), and Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.

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